What is new on the site, or in the program?
June 2008New version of T99! (beta)
I officially introduce beta version of new (and I hope better) t99. You can download it from the beta version site. You can also read there what's new in new version. Please write me how do you like the changes, and how new version works on you phone.
March 2008Czech version of t99.pl
Thanks to ospaly_muflon there is czech version of the site! I hope his effort will help t99 users from Czech Republic. Thank you!

About T99 in a magazine.
New year begins with a nice surprise from "Twoja Komórka" ("Your cell" - polish magazine about mobile phones). Mr Michał Gruszka wrote an article about the issue of diacritical marks in text messages, and described T99 as a recommended solution for Symbian OS users. Unfortunately the article titled "Don't pay over the odds for text messages" is available only in polish.
I'm glad to read so good review in professional magazine.
20 September 2007Memory Card and Nokia 6600.
Marcin reported that on Nokia 6600 there is a problem, if one chooses to save text messages on memory card, instead of phone's memory. It's strange because for example on Nokia 6630 there is no problem with it (both 6600 and 6630 use S60 2nd Edition).
I suppose that on Nokia 6600, and phones with S60 3rd Edition writing on a memory card is too slow, and the message is sent before T99 can remove diacritical marks from it and write it to memory card. There was known problem with writing on memory card with S60 3rd Edition devices, and it looks that still there is something wrong with it.
I'll try to solve the problem when I find a time. Untill then users of S60 3rd Edition devices, and Nokia 6600 should save their messages on phone's memory.
18 August 2007Important fix.
Piotr O. reported that both versions of T99 don't work properly with long (about 300 characters) text messages - the end of the message was truncated by the program, and receiver couldn't read it. This issue is fixed now. Users of ealier versions should download, and reinstall the program.
It looks, that T99 likes making textes shorter so much, that it crossed the line this time... ;-)
17 August 2007T99 for UIQ3!
There were a lot of questions if there will be version of T99 for UIQ3, so I've just made it. You can download it, but before you start using it make sure, you read information, how this version works. This time my thanks goes to Enter for his answers to my questions about UIQ3, and for testing this version.
Now after release of version for UIQ3, you can use T99 on every phone with Symbian OS on which it could be useful! If you think that all Symbian phones has S60, or UIQ, you should visit http://www.boohooforyou.com and see what people use in Japan, and you will know why, we should be sorry that we don't have phones like those :-)
13 August 2007S60 3rd Edition and memory card.
Rynio found that both versions of T99 don't work properly on S60 3rd Edition phones, when one chooses to save text messages on memory card, instead of phone's memory. Users of that version of T99 should make sure that they choose correct setting. I also want to thank Piotr P. for confirmation of the bug.
12 August 2007Important! To users of T99.
Dear users of T99. Two days ago, people in Poland could read about T99 on the most popular site about Symbian, and since then many of them have downloaded T99, and number of T99 users grows really fast. I don't know if everyone understands all aspects of using the program a few days after its release, so I decided to write a few lines about that.
- I've tried to write the program without any bugs, and test it, but I couldn't test it on all the phones, all software versions, and all possible settings, so it is possible, that T99 won't be working properly on your phone.
- You can't see how the program works while using it, and if there would be something wrong you can loose some money (e.g. when 2 messages instead of 1 would be sent) so you should be careful, and make sure that everything is OK on your phone, by:
- making sure that after sending text message with T99 there is no diacritical mark on receiver's phone. You can also check in log (Log->Right button->Options->Show details) that size of the text message is as it should be. You should do that test more than once after installation of T99.
- visiting this site from time to time, to check if there is any new information about bugs founded, or new version with some corrections.
Thanks to people who wrote to me lately, and let me know about problems with T99 on their phones.
1 August 2007Finally! www.t99.pl is on the Net.
I would have never thought, that it takes me so much time to make this website, but finally - HERE IT IS! I'm sure it's not perfect, but I'm pretty happy with it. Please let me know if you find any mistake on the site.
Today is also an important moment for T99 – the program, because it's first day everyone can test it. By the time of making the website, and (even longer) before – this application was working on my phone without any problem, but, please, send me an e-mail with a name of your phone and description of the problem, if you have one. By doing that, you're giving me a chance to correct the bug.